Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today Kennedy and I met up with some friends at the Minnesota Zoo for a little pre-Halloween fun. Of course my little princess had to be nothing but a little princess for Halloween.
"The princess and the lady bug" (Kennedy and McKenzie)

Mommy and Princess Kennedy

Kennedy had fun looking at all the fish and making fishy faces.

All three girls posing together...I guess there's more than one princess in the world :)

Do you see the monkey's Kennedy? Ooo ooo ahh ahh!

Can you tell that she had to deal with me taking pictures of her all day long? She was just so pretty in that little dress!

Mom finally won the battle and Kennedy wore the princess hat...well at least long enough for me to take this picture.
What an enchanted day with friends and zoo animals. Oh by the way, did I mention that it was snowing when we left?! Last time I checked it was only October 26th. Yikes!

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