Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Zoo Fun!

We took Kennedy to the zoo to see all the animals...
she loved riding around on daddy's shoulders
Of course mommy needed a picture with her sweetheart

Hold on tight Kennedy
She loved pointing at all the animals and making noises at them

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Picnic at the Park

Chris and I took Kennedy for a bike ride to the park
She loved swinging...
especially with daddy
daddy and Kennedy played on the gym set
mommy and Kennedy went down the slide together
then we had a little picnic

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kennedy's 1st Birthday

Kennedy's 1st Birthday!
she wasn't very sure of her first taste of cake...
but she quickly decided that it was very yummy
she sat very quietly eating her cake...
making sure to get every last bite...
until it was all gone

then it was time to open presents
she loved ripping the paper
Kennedy's first doll!
for me?!
Auntie Misty put together a picture book of Kennedy's first year
Kennedy also got push clakker
she thought that she would try to wear the dolls shoes
Daddy will you help me put on the doll's shoes?
Kennedy and John

What a great day!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Garden Girl

During our lastest trip to New York to visit family, celebrate Kennedy's first birthday and the fourth of July, Kennedy and I took some time to look at the pretty flowers in the yard.

She loved the way it felt and was so interested in each petal.
So precious!

My beautiful Garden Girl!